
A multi-purpose Discord Bot — Done Right

Log everything

Message events: Deleted messages, edited messages, purged messages
Discord invite links
Member updates: Roles, name changes, avatar changes, bans, unbans
Members joining and leaving
Updates to the server: Channels, roles, and emojis
Ignore channels, members and prefixes (useful for spammy bots)
Split up the logging into separate channels to reduce clutter without losing information


Powerful moderation

Modlogs lets your mods take responsibility for their mod actions
All the mod commands you could ever want, timed or not
"Drama channel" that gives your mods an easy overview of the rules being broken
Highlight new members joining
Manage roles in bulk
Show past infractions from members with the reason and responsible moderator


Let users suggest things and have everyone vote on it
Send a message to the user who made the suggestion when a decision is made
Keep a separate log channel with suggestions with a mod response
Restrict suggestions to a specific channel


A lot more…